Lindy George

Lindy is an Instructional Technology Specialist. She works throughout her district to support teachers in the effective integration of technology in the classroom. In her 37 years in education Lindy has been a classroom teacher and a curriculum specialist. She has been in her current position in technology for 22 years. Lindy is responsible for many district-wide projects including the development and implementation of the K-6 technology curriculum. Lindy is a MimioMaster, Mimio Certified trainer and an avid Mimio user.
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Todos queremos crear lecciones divertidas y actividades que hagan que el aprendizaje sea atractivo e interactivo para nuestros estudiantes. Sin embargo, no queremos que tarde o que sea demasiado complicado. Es por eso que uso el software para la clase MimioStudio™, que funciona convenientemente con cualquier proyector o pantalla interactiva. Ya sea que esté utilizando la pizarra interactiva portable MimioTeach y su proyector existente, un proyector interactivo, pantalla ProColor, etc., simplemente funciona. El software MimioStudio es el motor detrás de todo y está diseñado con el docente en...
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